Custom What-If Scenarios

Use this bracket to create your own what if scenarios.

Round 2 

Round 3 

Round 4 


Scenario Standings
Projected Currently Name Entry ID Current Pts Projected Pts
1 6 Renalranger 834977 0 0
1 6 ahaslegrave 834994 0 0
1 1 GeisingerNephrology 835022 0 0
1 1 alxchang@geisinger 834974 0 0
1 1 Avon33 835034 0 0
1 6 Avanmourik 834963 0 0
1 6 thedoctor16 835059 0 0
1 6 pOdOman 834986 0 0
1 6 anki2400 835058 0 0
1 6 aag 834975 0 0
1 6 aag 834976 0 0
1 6 ageorgalis 834978 0 0
1 6 ageorgalis 834979 0 0
1 6 Ashrock75 835045 0 0
1 6 brifkin 835051 0 0
1 6 brifkin 835052 0 0
1 6 blhorowitz 835030 0 0
1 1 blhorowitz 835031 0 0
1 6 Cassyrc 834966 0 0
1 1 Elgun 835021 0 0
1 6 ezeitler 835018 0 0
1 6 ezeitler 835035 0 0
1 6 Zeus1988 835038 0 0
1 6 gcf 834980 0 0
1 6 gcf 834981 0 0
1 6 gavin_dreyer 835046 0 0
1 6 gearoidmm 834965 0 0
1 6 gurmukt 835016 0 0
1 6 hrabrams 834985 0 0
1 6 haysamrady 834971 0 0
1 6 honshen 834993 0 0
1 6 rhambrick 835037 0 0
1 6 pietrobom 835041 0 0
1 6 Jeffrey Sparks 835029 0 0
1 6 835010 0 0
1 6 jonviljar 835025 0 0
1 6 jonviljar 835026 0 0
1 6 jordycohen 834964 0 0
1 6 kdj200 835049 0 0
1 6 kdj200 835050 0 0
1 6 Krishna63 835033 0 0
1 6 Krithicism 835032 0 0
1 6 834984 0 0
1 6 LunaBanuna 834960 0 0
1 6 mvishnep 834973 0 0
1 6 msparks 834983 0 0
1 6 Mslinskey74 835056 0 0
1 6 monarch.shah08 835048 0 0
1 6 834982 0 0
1 6 Olta Dhamo 835057 0 0

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